Edward P.
“One of the biggest things Paul has helped me with is getting ready for trips. All I need to do in the morning is consult the look book and I know what to wear.”
Paul has made the entire process of dressing myself much more simple and painless that is used to be. He revamped my closet to make me get rid of what wasn't working, what I wasn't wearing, and what I really didn't like anymore. Then he pushed my boundaries in the selections we made to refill my closet. I honestly wasn't even wearing jeans on a regular basis (I was a tried and true khakis guy), but now I have both jeans and khakis in my rotation, along with dress pants, cords, etc.
One of the biggest things Paul has helped me with is getting ready for trips. He comes over, asks me questions about my trip, and then pulls together what I need for my days away. He advises on the most prudent way to pack, along with what will work best for the plane ride. Then he photographs it all and gives me a handy look book that I take along with me. All I need to do in the morning is consult the look book and I know what to wear.