Some days, getting dressed feels totally easy. And other days, it feels completely hard. You stare at a closet full of clothes and think, “I have nothing to wear.” And then 3 minutes before you head out the door, you throw on whatever you can find. And while you’ve succeeded in leaving the house with clothes on, you don’t feel good in what you’re wearing. But, how can you create new, interesting and fresh feeling outfits - without starting from scratch every morning? If you like a t-shirt and jeans, here are 10 outfits that you can copy, use as inspiration (or just take a peek into your closet to see if you can recreate).
Read More3 ways to clean out your closet (without doing a big closet clean out!)
Did you clean out your closet in January? Me either. I tend to deal with my closet when the seasons shift. Because you’re already switching out some things in your closet, so why not figure out what is (and isn’t) working at the same time? But if you’re not ready for a big closet clean out, you can still streamline what’s already in your wardrobe. There are a few things you can do, that require much less time and energy than a full clean out. So, here are 3 ways you can clean out your closet – without doing a big closet clean out.
Read MoreTHE UPDATE: 3 steps to enjoy fall style (when it still feels like summer)
Doesn’t fall feel great? Crisp autumn weather and a little chill in the air means it’s the perfect time to start wearing sweaters and grab all the booties. Wait – it’s not feeling fall by you? (’s not feeling fall here either..) So, even though the calendar says fall, the weather is still holding on to summer. And you’re just itching to start enjoying your fall style. The good news is that you can. So, here are 3 tips to start feeling fall when it’s warm – or when it feels like fall in the morning, but summer in the afternoon.
Read MoreTHE LOOK: 3 never-fail cool girl outfits
Do you feel like you forgot how to get dressed? Between working from home (in sweats) and coming off an active summer (in tank tops and shorts), you may have forgotten how to pull yourself together. And create complete outfits that feel stylish and cool. And that now fall weather is on the horizon, you’re not feeling ready at all. But don’t worry, I have a solution - 3 outfit ideas that work for most every body type and just make you feel like a ‘cool girl’. And the best part is that you can wear a version of these outfits right now. And easily adapt the same outfit ideas right into fall.
Read MoreTHE UPDATE: 5 simple swaps for a more comfortable office style
Are you going back to the office? Whether you’re in a 9 to 5 grind at corporate HQ or on a hybrid schedule of office/WFH, getting dressed to go back to work might feel like something foreign. After all – you spent the last year in sweatpants and leggings. And you want to be as comfortable as you were working from home, but still feel stylish and appropriate at the office, right? So, check out 5 simple swaps you can make in your wardrobe to feel comfy AND stylish for your return to work.
Read MoreTHE 3-WAY: 3 fall transition items (that may surprise you!)
Are you team “I’m so excited for fall”? If you are, you may be thinking about pumpkin spice everything, falling leaves and cozy autumn outfits. And while you can already grab a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks, it’s a little too early to start wearing chunky sweaters and knee high boots. But don’t worry - because you can start wearing certain fall styles right now. It’s all about how you outfit them. So, check out 3 fall transition items (from the new Girl With Curves Collection) and see how you can wear them now AND into October/November.
Read MoreTHE TIP: 5 quick steps to transition your closet to spring
Has spring sprung where you live? The calendar says that spring started weeks ago – but your weather may not. But at some point soon, you’ll want to trade your winter wools & chunky sweaters & boots for lighter weight fabrics & thin knits & slip on shoes. So, it’s time to get your closet ready. And I’m not suggesting that you do a major overhaul – but what I am suggesting is that you make a few shifts so that it’s easier to get dressed for the season. So, here are 5 quick steps to get your closet ready for warm weather (and why you need to do them).
Read MoreTHE UPDATE: One step to spring style
Are you itching for spring? I think many of us are itching for spring in more ways than one. The weather is a little warmer, the days are a little longer and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel with the pandemic. But can you start feeling spring in your style if the weather isn’t cooperating? Yes! So, whether your weather is ‘spring is already here’ balmy or ‘why isn’t spring here yet’ frigid (or both in one day), read my favorite way to channel the new season so you can start feeling spring right now.
Read MoreTHE OBSESSION: My top 4 styles to transition to fall
Hooray, fall is here! Time to pull out your wool sweaters, quilted jackets and boots, right? Not necessarily. Even though the calendar says fall, your weather may still say summer, so check out my top 4 transitional styles that will take you from warm early autumn weather right into the fall chill.
Read MoreTHE UPDATE: 5 style resolutions
New Year's resolutions don't need to be scary, especially when it comes to your style. If you're looking for a complete wardrobe overhaul, or just want to update your current look, read the resolutions that can give your style a boost this coming year...
Read MoreTHE TIP: 3 ways to find your style
So, you’ve realized that you’re not 100% happy with your wardrobe, but you’re not sure where to turn. You know that you want a new style, but how do you find one? Here are 3 ways to get you on the path...
Read MoreTHE INTERSECTION: Summer in fall
Before you put away your warm-weather wardrobe for the season - did you know that you can wear your summer staples now and for the next several months? Check out my tips on which summer styles work in fall, and how to wear them…
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